Why do you need Digital Signature?

Legislation of Ukraine obliges financial companies to sign loan agreements with clients using digital signature which is stored on a secure medium.

With the help of the RiskTools API, you can automate this process.

To do this, Medoc places your key on a secure RiskTools medium, which is located in our data center.

After that, your key is available for you to sign via the RiskTools API Key

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Initialization process

You can place your existing Medoc key on secure media, or create a new key. We work in contact with the managers of the Medoc company and fully accompany this process. The initialization process takes 1-2 business days.

Digitally signing documents via the API

Once your Digital Signature key has been initialized on our secure media, you can send any documents for signing via the API. In the request response, you receive the signed document.

Flow of the process looks like this:



RiskTools secure media

Document with DS

Validity check

The signature can be verified through any DS verification service, for example https://ca.diia.gov.ua/verify

In the verification results, you will see that the signature is qualified:

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How much does it cost?

The cost of the Digital Signature service from RiskTools depends on the volume of use. To find out more about the tariff scale, send us a request.